Lets see the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad apparently used his speech time at the UN General Assembly to berate the United States for not bringing in Osama bin Laden to trial, instead of killing him and dumping the body in the ocean. As well as questioning the holocaust and the attacks on 9/11? As a result there was a mass walkout by foreign diplomats from thirty different countries while he was talking. Ahmadinejad continued attacking western nations for intervening in countries to weaken them through their military strength so they could plunder their resources causing them to be more dependent on the west. This was certainly bad timing for the Iranian president since tomorrow will decide whether Palestine will be a full or partial member in the UN. With hundreds of protests against Ahmadinejad at the UN in the streets of New York its no wonder the U.S.A. as well as Israel has stated they will veto the request by Palestine for UN membership. Its ironic that Mahmoud would attack the U.S. for its policies while constant stories come out with the way citizens are treated in his own country.
At Cern the location of the LHC(Large Hadron Collider) something starling has been found possibly a miscalculation but important all the same. They were testing subatomic particles called neutrinos sending them 732km toward Gran Sasso laboratory. And apparently they reached their destination slightly faster than the speed of light, by a few billionths of a second but faster nonetheless. Now this is not a official statement, they are now running extensive test to make sure of no errors in their calculations or experiments that could lead to a misunderstanding. But all the same if this is proven to be true a lot of scientific fact over the past century may be thrown out, if not reworked. But to my understanding the theory of how fast light travels was just that a theory, so breaking the bounds of our understanding doesn't shock me since that's what we have been doing since sience began. But I would ask, think of all the possibilities that can be opened up if this is true. At least the LHC has only possibly destroyed the theoretical world and not the real world like it was thought to do, why tear a black hole in the middle of the planet when you can do this right?
But to reiterate the death star is not complete.
Ah yes, the LHC... It's amazing that they found all of that out! Technically, if going farter than the light is possible, then time traveling ought to be possible too!
ReplyDeleteCan we compact it into a dolorian and play 80's music
ReplyDeletei kind of believe what the iranian guy was talking about, but he could of went with an indirect way of saying what he said.
I've been rooting for the neutrino thing to be true. Lets prove Einstein wrong about special relativity. :D
ReplyDeletegreat post :D
I think everything in science is theory, but Einsteins work has been considered very close to fact (nothing can be fact in the science world if I recall correctly), but it's amazing what they've achieved!
ReplyDeleteI would like to see them put a pigeon and a scientist through the atom smasher, and have their molecular structure rearranged to create... Pigeon Man!
ReplyDeleteWell I'd like to see these results verified but if they are valid, it'd be a nice change for physicists. At least they don't debate facts like some other groups do...
ReplyDeleteThe dude is just and egocentric ideologue who will eventually go the way of Gaddafi.
ReplyDeletealso, following
ReplyDeleteA really very interesting read! I hope you keep updating us with more info!
ReplyDeletecool, thanks dude. always usefull to learn something new
It sounds like a couple of you don't quite grasp the nature of a scientific theory, or the scientific method. If you say something is, 'Just a theory,' in science, you're showing that.
ReplyDeleteA theory is the highest category a concept can have. It's a predictive model that has mountains of evidence backing it.
It's not that nothing in science is a fact, just that the scientific method is a self correcting process, and has no need to cling to any idea if observations and evidence point to it being incorrect. It's how we as a species figured out how to fly, and have computers that allow us to communicate with each other over vast distances.
The fact is what we think of when we think of science didn't exist until the 1800s. That's when the scientific method got pinned down enough to be useful. Since then, our knowledge has doubled approximately every ten years...and we're getting some remarkable results.
Why would something moving faster than the speed of light mean time travel is possible?